Slowking + Steelix

12 x water energy
4 x metal energy

4 x slowking
4 x slowpoke
3 x onix
3 x steelix
3 x cleffa
3 x suicune (crystal body)
2 x igglybuff
1 x aipom (neo genesis)

3 x energy charge
4 x professor elm
3 x warp point
1 x time capsule
4 x focus band
4 x good manners
2 x healing field gym

To play this deck well, first get your pokemon out on your bench as soon as possible. Use suicune's Crystal body to stop your opponent from Eeeeeks, sputters, taunts(brock's mankey).... . Charge up steelix with a few metal energy on it to reduce some damage while focus band and healing field gym keeps your pokemon alive. Charge Suicune with water energy when you are facing some fire decks(which is steelix's weakness). This deck main hitter is steelix and supportive attacker is suicune. Try disturb your opponent using suicune in early games and slowking will stop some trainer cards in mid games. Test it! It works!